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  • 2019: ol-mem[0-2] trusty VMs have been reprovisioned as ol-mem[3-5] following the Provisioning Guide

Current Production Architecture

Today, our production service architecture consists of ~11 VMs: Open Library Production Architecture

Current Provisioning Setup

Our current production setup process (as of 2019) for provisioning these 11 VMs is ostensibly manual and relies on a lot of manually scping directories around, as well as a separate repository called olsystem which contains the production configs, cron jobs, and infrastructure required to run the official service.

Each of our 11 VMs are more-or-less provisioned identically:

  • Every VM has an /opt directory containing all the "business"
  • Within /opt there is an openlibrary/ and a petabox/ directory. It's very likely /opt/petabox is not required by all VMs, though it's not currently well understood which services may rely on it (e.g. the ol-home VM makes heavy use of olsystem which may reference petabox)
  • /opt/openlibrary contains all the business logic for the Open Library project:
/opt/openlibrary/venv  -- python virtualenv
/opt/openlibrary/maxmind-geoip/  -- .dat file for anonymizing IPs
/opt/openlibrary/deploys  -- history of all deploys, hash-binned by service
/opt/openlibrary/deploys/openlibrary  -- history of openlibrary deploys
/opt/openlibrary/deploys/olsystem  -- history of openlibrary deploys
/opt/openlibrary/deploys/base  -- deprecated??
/opt/openlibrary/deploys/openlibrary/openlibrary  -- active openlibrary deploy
/opt/openlibrary/deploys/openlibrary/openlibrary  -- active olsystem deploy
/opt/openlibrary/olsystem/  -- symlink to active olsystem: /opt/deploys/openlibrary/olsystem
/opt/openlibrary/openlibrary -- symlink to active openlibrary: /opt/deploys/openlibrary/olsystem

At minimum, re-provisioning a VM requires:

  • setting up firewall rules and installing core packages (e.g. git, docker) by running an ansible playbook
  • scp'ing over the legacy VM's /opt directory (preferably as an external mountable /1 volume which can be moved in the future)
  • Setting up olsystem so that its files within /opt/openlibrary/olsystem/etc symlink to the right locations within /etc