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Debugging & Performance Profiling

Are you seeing an error on an Open Library page?

The first thing you should do is check the applications streaming error logs:

docker compose logs --tail=10 -f web

Next, you can add ?debug=true to the problematic url in order to reveal the stack trace or profile data.

This trick is especially useful when you see a nebulous error like:

"Sorry. There seems to be a problem with what you were just looking at. We've noted the error 2019-02-05/193353339339 and will look into it as soon as possible. Head for home?"

If the request is a POST, use the browser to inspect the HTML form element and add ?debug=true to the action url. If/when the request fails, you should see a useful stack trace.

Using a Debugger


Using a debugger is one of the best ways to understand how code works and to find bug fixes. We use VS Code (along with its Python extension) to remote debug into the docker container; we can't use regular debugging because the docker container behaves like a virtual machine.

Debugger in action

To use:

  1. docker compose up -d as usual and login as admin. (Note this has to be done before changing the docker-compose file; see )
  2. Open the repo in VS Code -- code .
  3. Edit around line 6 of compose.yaml to say workers 1 instead of 4 and timeout to be 180000000 instead of 180
  4. By default, a worker only lives for 500 seconds -- this will interrupt the debugger; this setting should be increased (by e.g. 10x) or removed.
  5. docker compose up -d
  6. Go to http://localhost:8080/admin/attach_debugger and click "Start"
  7. Go to the debug panel (Ctrl+Shift+D) in VS Code, and click "Python: Attach"
  8. Debug!

Performance Profiling

Is a page taking a long time to load? Add _profile=true to the url in order to include a profile report. This will give you a report of both the front-end (client side) and the back-end (server side) load times. For a more granular breakdown of the client, follow the developer tools guide in your respective browser, e.g.

Website Performance

You can run a webpagetest via in order to obtain a better picture of's performance on various devices given constraints