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Where do ONIX files live?

Cory McCloud from Bibliometa has been collaborating with us to get ONIX records from approved partners into Open Library's catalog. As a start, ~50,000 bookcovers and ONIX feed entries have been added to items for an initial batch of processing lead by Salman Shah

What's an example of an ONIX entry?

  <RecordSourceName>Cambridge University Press</RecordSourceName>
   <TitleOfSeries>New Surveys in the Classics</TitleOfSeries>
   <TitleText>Roman Art</TitleText>
   <PersonName>Peter Stewart</PersonName>
   <PersonNameInverted>Stewart, Peter</PersonNameInverted>
    <Affiliation>Courtauld Institute of Art, London</Affiliation>
  <NoEdition />
   <SubjectCode>N5760 .S66 2004</SubjectCode>
   <NameCodeTypeName>Cambridge University Press code</NameCodeTypeName>
   <ImprintName>Oxford University Press</ImprintName>
   <PublisherName>Oxford University Press</PublisherName>
   <SupplierName>Cambridge University Press</SupplierName>
    <BICDiscountGroupCode>ACUPRP  </BICDiscountGroupCode>
    <BICDiscountGroupCode>ACUPRP  </BICDiscountGroupCode>
   <SupplierName>Cambridge University Press</SupplierName>
   <SupplierName>Cambridge University Press</SupplierName>

Which fields does Open Library care about?

1. TitleText = title

  • Full Path: /Product/Title/TitleText
  • Accompanying Fields: TitleType
Title Type Code ValueTitle Type Code Description
01Distinctive Title
02ISSN Key Title of Serial
03Title in Original Language
04Title Acronymn
05Abbreviated Title
06Title in other language
07Thematic title of journal issue
08Former title
10Distributor's title

2. PublisherName = publisher

  • Full Path: /Product/Publisher/PublisherName
  • Accompanying Fields: PublishingRole
Publishing Role Code ValuePublishing Role Code Description
02Co Publisher
04Publisher of original language version
05Host/distributor of electronic content
06Published for/on behalf of
07Published in association with
08Published on behalf of
09New or acquiring publisher

3. CountryOfPublication = country where published (Great Britain)

  • Full Path: /Product/CountryOfPublication

4. CityOfPublication = city where published (oxford)-

  • Full Path: /Product/CityOfPublication
  • Full Path: /Product/MediaFile/MediaFileLink

  • Accompanying Fields: MediaFileTypeCode

Media File Type Code ValueMedia File Type Code Description
05FTP Address
  • Accompanying Fields: MediaFileFormatCode
Media File Format Code ValueMedia File Format Code Description
  • Accompanying Fields: MediaFileLinkTypeCode
Media File Link Type Code ValueMedia File Link Type Code Description
05FTP Address
  • Language = Language (there may be more than one)
  • Measure = the physical book dimensions which we can add

Some of the fields will need to be discussed:

  1. Contributor: We definitely want this data, it will be very valuable for creating new authors and merging authors. But, contributor could be author, editor (could be a lot of things). Question: Which means # author? We need to ask @cory
  2. Series: We'll want to ask #openlibrary-g how we want to handle series (the title and number)
  3. ProductIDTypes: We'll need to ask @cory for a list of ProductIDTypes (e.g. which of these is ISBN?) Suffice to say, a book may have multiple of these IDs and we'll want to add them
  4. Subject we'll have to ask (where/how to lookup the subject code)

Import Strategy

The import strategy to import these books is to have a bot which parses through the XML in the ONIX Record. The following steps are followed while processing the ONIX Feed:

  1. Check if there are any errors in the XML File which contains the ONIX Records.
  2. Parsing through a single ONIX Record which is under which is under the Product Tag. Inside a single Product Tag, we parse through tags like ProductIdentifier, Title, Publisher, CountryOfPublication, CityOfPublication, MediaFile, Language to obtain the required results.