
IA Icons

This repo builds JS source, tests, and test pages, from a subdirectory of svg files:


Each .svg source file can then be individually imported via JS/TS like:

import twitter from 'https://esm.archive.org/@internetarchive/ia-icons/src/twitter.js'

You can use in markup with the lit / web components definition like:

<script type="module" src="https://esm.archive.org/@internetarchive/ia-icons/src/video.js"></script>

Each icon .js file defines an <ia-icon> LitElement web component.

Demo Page



Please run:


in a git clone of this repo to rebuild/update src/ and test/ files.

You can add a new (or change an existing) .svg file in the svg/ subdir.

Running the bin/build.sh script will automatically create (or update) the relevant JS and test files.